Free AinTransitions PPro extension with Built-in 100+ Free Transitions for Premiere Pro
AinTransitions (version for Premiere Pro) is the ultimate extension and speed boost for your workflow with transtions in Adobe Premiere Pro. It comes with really useful features and flexible settings. The extension will be convenient for both pros and beginners.
In addition to the convenient extension for Premiere Pro, the transition presets from the pack also have flexibility due to the perfectly developed transition structure, the way of storing the transition preset and the unique functionality that we have developed. All this together provides opportunities that have not yet been on the market to such a full extent.
The first free transitions pack for Premiere Pro that comes with a powerful extension.
It takes just a few clicks to get the transition on the Premiere Pro timeline, which makes it ideal for newcomers

Extension Features
- Elegant User Interface
- Built-in Preview
- One Click to Add
- Exclusive Features and Flexible Settings
- Three Workflow Modes
- Works on Premiere Pro CC 2019, CC 2020, CC 2021
Transition Presets Features
- Any Transition Speed
- Any Transition Resolution
- Any Transition Frame Rate
- Any Transition Pixel Aspect Ratio
- Any Transition Fields
- Transition’s Clips Color Settings
Free transition presets included in the free pack are full-fledged high-quality video transitions that have the same capabilities as the transitions from the premium transitions pack for Premiere Pro. Therefore, in addition to the value of the pack itself, you have the opportunity to make a test drive of the AinTransitions extension for Premiere Pro with all its capabilities for the Premiere Pro.
Try a New Experience
Now you can use video transitions in Premiere Pro faster and easier