In this use case you’ll learn when and how best to use the “Glitch” video transition which looks something like this like this:
Classic Lite
Fresh Lite
Use Case 33
How and when to use Glitch Transitions
Key content from the use case video
The GLITCH Transition is one of the modern and trendy video transitions, perfect for cutting edge videos like sci-fi or high-tech videos. In essence the glitch video transition is an effect that transitions your footage and text by creating the look of compressed, glitched video, corrupt data streams, and low-bandwidth broadcasts making it ideal for a variety of uses.
By far the best way to appreciate the glitch transition is to see it in use.In this example I’m going to use the glitch transition to create suspense in a thriller type of story where 2 characters are communicating with each other on their computers. So, the first clip shows the first character punching away at the computer and then in the second clip we can show who they are communicating with. By applying the glitch transition between these 2 clips, we can quickly show how these 2 people are communicating in this tense setting we want to create.
So, as a simple rule, use the glitch transition between clips or images to create suspense or give a techy edge to the story making it ideal for sci-fi and tech type of videos.
In packs of AinTransitions products you can find glitch transitions for Premiere Pro, glitch transitions for After Effects, glitch transitions for DaVinci Resolve.