We’ve got a FAQ, user guide, knowledge base and detailed video tutorials you can look at so you’ll get a feel for just how easy it is to use AinTransitions extension for After Effects. We have really prepared high-quality detailed video tutorials and materials that cover all aspects necessary for using the AinTransitions like a pro, even if you are just starting your way into After Effects.
How to start with AinTransitions after purchase
- The archive downloaded from your profile will have the name “AinTransitionsAE_v1.0.5.zip”.
- Unzip the archive. As a result, you will get a folder “AinTransitionsAE_v1.0.5” that contains all the files. We recommend that you place the folder in a location with less folder nesting.
- The contents of the folder with the pack:
“01-Documentation” folder,
“02-Extension” folder, that contains the AinTransitions extension for After Effects,
“03-Presets” folder, that contains a folder “AinTR-Core” with all transition presets and manifest file “AinTransitions-Core-Pack__manifest.json”.
In which order is better to start working with AinTransitions for After Effects

Video Tutorial
AinTransitions Extension – Quick Overview