In this use case you’ll learn when and how best to use the “Twirl Zoom” video transition which looks something like this like this:

Focus S




Super Spin


Use Case 23
How and when to use Twirl Zoom Transitions

Key content from the use case video
The TWIRL ZOOM video transition is an enhancement of the already impressive TWIRL video transition and as the name suggests, it combines a zoom effect to the twirl transition for a truly awesome transition. The twirl zoom video transition a great choice for music videos, especially if your clips are changing from one focal length…such a s a medium or wide shot to a different focal length such as a close up.
For example, you can use the twirl zoom transition to transition between different music video clips of a changing focal length. In particular, you can start off with a musician, medium angle shot and then we apply the twirl zoom transition to our next clip, a close up of our singer.
The twirl zoom transition offers an even bigger creative advantage over most types of transitions and is great for creative projects such as music videos and movie trailers.
But… the best way to get comfortable using this transition is to try it our yourself. You’ll be amazed at how easy the zoom twirl transforms your projects and makes you look like a pro.
In packs of AinTransitions products you can find twirl zoom transitions for Premiere Pro, twirl zoom transitions for After Effects, twirl zoom transitions for DaVinci Resolve.