In this section you will find links to useful materials that we prepare for you. These are both useful tricks at work and educational videos that will help you better understand our product or how to use it better.
AinTransitions Use Cases
This series of short videos teaches you how to master and use transitions correctly, by explaining the fundamental theory and ground rules for each transition type, giving you all the confidence to use transitions in your video productions.
When used correctly, video transitions can add a whole new dimension to your content creation and make your videos look professional…just like a boss!
But be careful, overdoing transitions or using them in the wrong way can have the opposite, undesirable effect.
All use cases are available in a separate section of the knowledge base “AinTransitions – Use Cases“. The use case videos are applicable for both After Effects and Premiere Pro, as well as for DaVinci Resolve. Although you may notice an AinTransitions extension for After Effects in the video, this is only because it was released earlier.